Examining Religions Place And Purpose In A Modern Society

Religion has had many different purposes throughout the history of the world. This article is an attempt to examine it’s history and it’s current place in a modern society in an unbiased, factual, objective view as much as possible. Before diving into anything, I would like to state everyone has the right to believe and follow whatever religion or faith they choose. However, any religions morals, ideals or “what is right or wrong” should never be forcibly applied through law. Religions or concepts within those religions that attack or discriminate against anyone are never ever acceptable. Religion is defined as: the belief in and worship of a superhuman power or powers, especially a God or gods.

Now that all that is covered - what is or was religions purpose in history? People by nature seem to question why. Why is there a huge bright ball in the sky that disappears everyday but comes back? Why can’t I fly? Why does the ground below me shake sometimes? Why does water fall from the sky but sometimes doesn’t for a while? Why do bad things happen to me? Why do I exist? Why? People also seem to seek guidance and purpose in life. Religion gives people answers to all these questions and wants.

Before moving on, what does belief, faith or believing in something mean? Belief has two definitions. The first is: an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists. The second is: trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something. Faith also has two definitions. The first being: complete trust or confidence in someone or something. The second being: strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof. Faith and belief are not based in facts or reality, however, that doesn’t mean that nothing within any religion isn’t true or right.

Greeks, Egyptians and Romans believed in multiple gods that controlled or effected certain things in the world. One god is who made it rain, one god causes war, so on and so forth. Christianity believes a single God created the Earth and created us in his image. Certain religions and beliefs would be ok with making human sacrifices, even children, to appease some superhuman power to just make their crops grow. Religions tell stories of great floods where someone was told to make a boat and get two of every single animal on it. They say one man was born from a virgin mother, died and came back. Whether or not you think these things are possible or real, religion gave people answers to how the world works and ways for them to try to change it.

Religion also gives peoples rules and guidelines to live by. Personally, I believe everyone inherently wants do good or be good at birth. I believe that this is peoples nature and their nurture, as in their environment and experiences growing up, is what makes people turn evil, sour, bad, whatever you wish to call it. Everyone doesn’t know everything or really anything when you are born. They don’t know what is right or wrong by default. All they know is they want to survive and be good. However, what is “right or wrong” is a hard philosophical question to answer. So, as I previously stated, religion gives people an answer to that question. It tells them how they should act or what they should do to be good and do good.

However, different religions can and do have drastically different ideologies that don’t agree with each other. This is where conflict, aggression and violence can, has and do arise throughout history and today. Everyone is just trying to do what they believe is right and fair in the world. They are just trying to share and preach what they were told is the correct and right way to live life. However, something you believe and were taught to be right and ok, someone else could’ve been taught to believe that is evil, wrong and unjust. This is the danger with religion, due to people fully following and believing in something that is not based in fact, and at least not currently provable through science, they can justify violence and discrimination in the name of making the world a better place.

Religion isn’t inherently and fully dangerous. It does and can help people better themselves, others and the world. It helps build community and gives people a purpose or goal to strive for in life. Religious institutions have helped lift up and heal people and the world every single day. However, they sometimes are full of vulnerable, easily influenced people who just want to be loved and cared for. This makes people who wish to control or influence people gravitate towards positions of power within these institutions. They may want to be in these positions to truly do good, but as previously stated, what is “good” isn’t something everyone agrees on. It’s important to realize, people are just people, no matter what title they hold. Everyone is human and makes mistakes, capable of lying or being wrong and can do harm or good.

So, what is religions purpose and place in a modern society? Over the last 100 years and especially within the 21st century, people are slowly leaving religions behind. Specifically in the United States, after 9/11 81% of Americans, that were polled, said they believed in God. That number has now dropped to 65% in 2020 per a survey by the Pew Research Center. The trend still continues to this day that people are believing less and less. Now, if you are a person of faith or God, you may be asking - why? We are back to the original question that probably started the religion you follow.

Now, I can’t say a definitive answer as to why. There are many reasons as to why someone may lose faith or never even believe in the first place. However, my current theory or belief is due to the advancements and knowledge we have in science, people no longer need religion the way they used. Sometimes science can be seen as the enemy of religion, it is not. Science has two definitions. One is: the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained. The second is: knowledge of any kind. Science now answers that question of “Why?” with facts and knowledge that is provably tested over and over again.

So instead of following or listening to a religion, most people nowadays follow and listen to science. One thing people mistakenly believe is that science proves religion is wrong or that science is correct always. Science is constantly changing and evolving as we test and research new things. Some things we once believed as fact, can still be changed if we happen to find a new understanding of the world around us. Certain things are only theories, which aren’t fully provable yet but could be based on our best understanding of something.

Now, science and historiography does provably say certain parts or stories within certain religions are false or never happened through facts and research. However, things like God or gods existing is not something we can currently provably test and say is true or not. Science currently says that these things may be possible! However, it doesn’t say they are true or false because it’s not possible to say. There can be arguments within the religious communities that they experienced other worldly things. Stuff like angels, miracles or a god telling them what to do. Again, science doesn’t say that these things can’t exist, however they aren’t factually provable currently. However, all of these things happening can be easily dismissed considering they are probably delusions, illusions or beliefs brought on by our brains because you believe, see or have heard of these things.

If you ever had any of these experiences, the previous statements aren’t trying to say what you felt, saw or experienced isn’t real and wasn’t real to you. No matter the reality of it, if it affected you in someway, either positively or negatively - that affect is real. Again, these things may be real, however the scientific method can’t currently say or state they are as fact due to our current technology and abilities.

Finally, I ask again, what is the purpose of religion today? Realistically, to you, it is and can be whatever you want it to be. It can be good or bad. However, should it be used to belittle, discriminate, attack, or hurt other people? No and most popular religions, if you actually follow what is preached, you shouldn’t be doing any of those things. If you are religious, I ask you to ask yourself - why? Why do I follow what I do? Do I truly follow everything it tells me? Is everything it tells me actually fair and right?

We are all human. Sharing the same planet. Doing our best to survive and live our best lives. I hope, in the end, one day everyone chooses to help, uplift and improve each other and this planet we call home.

Thank you for reading. Stay happy and healthy.
